This week was a pretty easy week. I added the the title of each round UI to the game. I am using the alert message framework that I made for crunch time. The only difference is that I am also affecting the camera for this part. In the beginning of the round we want the players to see the whole level so that can get a preview of where everything is. During the game the camera will pan and zoom to keep all the players visible  so I just disabled that functionality until after the round starts. The other thing that I am doing is getting the animations into the game. One of our artists is finishing the animations so now I get to implement them into the game. I feel pretty decent about this. I sat down with the artist and did an example animation and it worked well but putting in this first one that he has sent me and I am having some problems. I am doing exactly what I did for the example but it is still not working so I will have to ask him if maybe the problem is on his end. I am confident that we can solve this if we just sit down together and look at it which we will tomorrow. Other than that it was been pretty easy going which is nice. I will also need to look through the code and do come basic refactoring soon just to keep everything nice and organized. Our last meeting was a little hectic cause there were alot of bugs being caused by some simple code that we just had to go through and refactor so hopefully if we occasionally go through our code we can solve these problems before they cause major problems and we don’t have a hectic meeting again. Well that’s all for now, another update will be next week.